The Class of 77 Reunion tea party was mooted as a result of invitations to attend an Alumni Dinner in celebration of our school's 119 Founder's Day in August. As I know I will be busy during that period, I suggested for some of the girls to come over to my house for a gathering instead. It was quite tough rounding up the old girls as many of us have not been in contact since graduation. I must thanks Angeline (Yuet Yong) for making contact with some of the girls whom I have not met since 1977. We did managed to contact quite a number of them but due to work, prior personal commitments etc, some of them could not attend.
Anyway I am really happy for those who turned up. Thanks Angeline, Carolyne (Cheng Sim), Gina (Chay-Ling), Isabelle, Jenny (Wei Tin), Lay Khim, Linda (Lai Chan), Mary (Mui Eng)and Prudence (Mun Yee) for making the party a success. I truly enjoyed catching up with all you. It was really fun talking about the good ole days, the pranks and 'bullying' we did to each other and how some of us literally 'sucked the blood dry' of our Maths teacher Ms Lau.
Since we graduated, our school had gone through numerous changes. In 1983, the school was relocated to her present site in Dover Road from Neil Road, and in the same year, FMGS broke away from a 94-year tradition, it was the first Methodist School in Singapore to go co-educational.
We Fairsians are proud of our 119-year heritage and we are indeed grateful for the fantastic allround education we received from our teachers who are so dedicated in their profession.
And how could we forget the Fairfield School Song it has such meaningful lyrics and an upbeat tempo. Here is the final chorus: (Note: the original lyrics of the school song has been changed slightly in 1983 to reflect the co-ed status):
Here's to Fairfield, to Fairfield
To every student here
To every happy Fairsian
And to every teacher dear.
Oh! It's Fairfield, at Fairfield
Where all our hearts are light
Where love is in the sunshine
And all the world is bright.
Let's make time for a gathering again and the next time round, lets pray for more girls to join us in reminiscing the good old times.
Yearbook from our graduating year, ELDDS performance and class outng pictures.

The centrepiece, Class of 77 Tirimisu Cake. This is our original FMGS school badge. It has since been changed to FMSS. The badge, school uniform and letters are made from a combination of sugarpaste and marshmallow fondant.

Whipped up all these food myself. Hey, I was not a distinction Home Economics student for nothing you know! I have Ms Viswalingam to thank for this. Issuing her instructions in a military-style way, she taught us all we need to know about whisking, folding, creaming and baking. She was so strict with us that none of us dare as much as to whimper during her lessons. Those were the days when we had to manually beat in teaspoon full of eggs into our choux pastry till our palms developed blisters.
Class of 77 Tirimisu, Baileys Cheesecake, Strawberry Buttermilk Cake, Mango Mousse Cake, Fudgy Chocolate Blueberry Cake, Durian Swissrolls, Cupcakes with Creamcheese Frosting, Almond & Cranberry Chocolate Clusters, Chicken Curry, Fried Vermicelli & Chilled Cucumber Pork Rolls. The steamed Glutinous Rice is compliments of my mother-in-law.

One for the album, group photos (yours truly in the brown top)

WOW Ginny - that is quite a feast you have baked there! love the tiramisu - very well done!
A reunion after 30 years understand the feeling of excitement to see how our classmates turn out ...ya?
looks like you're having a cake party too and they all look so yunmmy! I salute your stamina dear...I would have died twice over LOL
Thanks for inviting me over yr cakes are wonderful.Anyway i didnt manage to taste yr mango mousse.If u dont mind can i have your recipe for chocolate fudge cake cause yours taste better than mine.Yeah u remind me of that choux pastry making with blister over the palms.All this years im afraid of making that till my children n hubby love eating durian puffs.Seeing u leaving happily with 2 lovely grown up kids n having a loving husband ,im happy for u n wish u all the best.Take care of yourself n stay beautiful always.
Thanks Xan. Cecily. It was a joy to bake for long lost friends.
Hi Mary, it was really great to meet you after so many years of missing-in-action. Can you sms me your email address.
Message transferred from email:
Dear Ginny,
Wonderful food. Alot of work has been put into it, thank you for the trouble.
It was also a great surprise to see Mary again. As I remembered, cheeky & cheerful.
Went to your blog. You have quite a world out there. Well done. I do not have any account and too lazy to get one too.
Will we be getting some pictures from you ? Would love to have there.
Once again, thank you. We meet soon.
Best regards
Gina Ler
Hi Gina
I was as excited about meeting Mary as you were.
It was my pleasure to host the gathering and I look forward to future meetings too!
Sure thing,I will email photos to all of you this weekend.
WOw ginny...I really can't imagine doing this in 20 years time with my friends......time flies eh!
Hi Ginny,
I met a lady (my old classmate of FMGS) at Novena Square that I can't remember her name but she remembered mine. Oops! Sorry my dear. It's been too long. She's the one sitting on Jenny Pang (Wei Tin)lap in the pic on your blog. I think she is Angeline??? Am I correct??? Anyway, she gave me your blog to look at and hopefully one of these days we all can meet up again.
I hope you all still remember me. This is Nancy and I left for Hong Kong many years back and am now back in Singapore.
To all my ex-classmates, you email to me at
Oei Nancy! Tan Sock Cheng right? Please lah! The one sitting on Jenny's lap is Mary. Your memory is really fading. Anyhow it was a pity that Mary did not meet you earlier otherwise you could have joined us for the reunion. No worries. We can always organize another one now that we have your contact. Do keep in touch dearie.
Now I remember who Mary is.... hehehehe the miss vainpox of FMGS. Sorry.....we can always meet for lunch or coffee outside. Don't want to trouble you with the cooking. BTW the cakes look delicious. Yummy....must let me try some. will from Fairfield.
I taught in Fairfield Methodist Primary School for a while before I transfer due to shifting house.
Hi Gina,
I am not certain whether you are the same Gina Ler that I'm so desperately looking for.Fisrt of all,let me introduce myself. My name is Nick Tan from Kuala Lumpur and have a friends whom you know as Alex, Boon,Bob etc.
So..if you are really the Gina Ler...the hot rock singer from S'pore,married to Kevin, please email me. If you are the Ginaler that I'm looking for, I apologise for the inconvenience.
Hi Gina,
Sent you a message earlier..that I am looking for Gina Ler.If you are the one I am looking for, pls. email me at
Hi Nicholas,
Well Yes and No.
No I am not Gina (at least not the Blog owner).
And Yes, the Gina is THE GINA you are looking for. I have already messaged her about your posting. I leave it to her to decision to contact you. Good Luck.
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