I had purchased two packets of this mochi premix from Taipei a month ago. I had the Mochi Bread (as this is what it is called on the label) baked in muffin cups. Some were filled with redbean paste before baking and others had custard 'pumped' into the hollowed centres after baking. They were crispy on the outsides and chewy on the insides.

The CJs sold at the shop came in various toppings:- strawberry dream, oreo chocolate crunch, coffee muesli crunch. These offerings surely gave me an idea what to do with the 2nd packet of mochi premix that is sitting in the larder.
Hi Ginny,
Is this wad the taiwanese call "Korean Bread"? I tried looking for this premix but can't find any when I was in Taiwan in March. Which shop did u get it from? DH maybe gng to taiwan... will get him to bring some back. :P
Hi BakingFriend. I am not sure if this is the Korean Bread that you are referring to. I tasted some Mochi Bread in Taichung and they were chewy but fluffy. This premix is chewy and more like those baked mochi you find at the Jap bakery in Isetan Scotts.
Let me search for the shop name. It should be in Taichung (sorry not Taipei) where my friend brought me.
The korean bread i tasted was chewy but rather dense... not fluffy... dunno if we've tasted the same things. LOL
My DH shd be gng to gao-shiong for his next trip. Hopefully he knows where to find the stuff that i need.
Hi Ginny, do you happen to have the recipe for this? I would very much like to try. TIA!
Hi kwf,unfortunatetly not. Sorry.
Hi kwf,unfortunatetly not. Sorry.
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