Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A Simple Token of Appreciation

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The Banana Muffin recipe from Cecily came at the right time as I was looking for something to bake for the security guards and office cleaners at our office building.

The muffins are made as my small and simple token of appreciation to them, and especially to Aunty Ah Yan who cleans our office, for helping us get rid of the never ending bags of rubbish to be disposed as a result of our impending office move on Friday. Mind you, the bags are real heavy as most of them are filled with old catalogs, reference materials and trade directories etc. As far as possible, we will try to fill the black garbage bags only half full so that it is easier for the cleaners, who are mostly in their 60's, to bring them down to the central disposal bin.

The muffins are nothing to shout about really but I hope through these morsels of sweet bites, I am able to show them that their help are deeply appreciated.

Banana Muffins with assorted toppings of sliced bananas, almond slivers, walnuts and chocochips.
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  1. Glad you liked the muffins.
    But to bake 6x the recipe really "peifu"
    you :-)'s a nice gesture.

  2. It's so kind of you Ginny...Thumbs up for your muffins.


  3. Cecily, 6x is actually quite fast because I double the recipe each time. Done in a jiffy.

  4. hi rusti,

    can i have this banana muffins recipe too? or i shd get frm cecily instead? pls advise.i want to bake for my colleagues too.


  5. Cheryl
    Click on Cecily's name and you will find her blog.

  6. Could u plase advise where i can buy the muffin paper cups tht u used? Would greatly appreciate it!! :)

  7. Hi Anonymous, you can get that muffin cups from:

    Sun Lik at Seah Street, Lee Bee in Jurong West and also Gim Hin Lee at Haig Road.

  8. So, I don't actually suppose this may have success.
